Editorial Team

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The WP Mail SMTP Editorial Team is a group of email delivery experts and WordPress specialists dedicated to helping you solve email challenges. We understand the critical role of email when running an online business.


  • Email deliverability
  • Email marketing
  • WordPress


The Editorial Team combines in-depth knowledge of SMTP protocols with practical WordPress experience. We create content that explains email configuration, troubleshoots common issues, and explores best practices for improving email deliverability.

Whether you're a website owner, developer, or marketer, our articles provide clear, actionable guidance to enhance your email performance. We cover a wide range of topics, from basic SMTP setup to advanced email authentication techniques.

We provide step-by-step tutorials, expert tips, and industry insights to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of email communication.

Our goal is to make complex email concepts accessible to all WordPress users, regardless of their technical background. Our team strives to be your go-to resource for all things related to WordPress email configuration, SMTP, and email deliverability, supporting you in achieving seamless communication with your audience.


How to Turn Email Receipts Into Email Upsells (11 Tips)

Did you know that transactional emails like email receipts have the highest open rates? This is a great opportunity to sneak in some marketing material and make an upsell. The trick, though, is you’ll have to do this without being overly salesy, or your email might come off as being spammy. Jump in for a few simple tips for perfecting the art of email upselling!
How to turn email receipts into email upsells

How to Filter Contact Form Spam With Akismet

Contact form spam can be a big problem with WordPress websites. Fortunately, WPForms offers a few different tools to help you stop spam in its tracks. This includes the powerful and seamless WPForms Akismet integration. Wondering how to set it up? Here's the step-by-step guide.
how to use akismet to filter contact form spam
Solve Your Email Deliverability Problems
Use your favorite SMTP provider to reliably send your WordPress emails